Tuesday 19 June 2018

Bread,sugar & Cream a perfect desert in just 5 minutes.

Dessert is a sweet course often eaten after the meal, agreed? Well this is too cliche isn't it? So when i say cliche that means we can have dessert anytime round the clock whenever we feel like eating it. Or that moment when our sugar level in the body has gone down 😉

So, i decided to share one of my recipe for dessert where you don't have to  apply rocket science but just 3 slice of bread, some milk cream and sugar will do  the job.


  1. Bread 3 slice ( Without brown crust/border)
  2. Milk cream
  3. Sugar
  4. Sp😁😁n & plate                  

How to prepare- 

  1. Take 3 slice of bread make sure you remove the brown crust of the bread ( brown side border).
  2. Take a plate put the first slice apply some milk cream above the bread and add 1/2 Tbsp of sugar.
  3. Put the second slice on the first one and add milk cream and sugar the same way you did first.
  4. Third slice on the top and again add cream and sugar (same procedure) to be repeated. This whole procedure will at least take 2- 3 minutes.
  5. Cover it with plate for about a minute and then eat it.   
Note: Do not add too much of milk cream just a spoon on each slice will do. 

Hope, you enjoy this quickie dessert, don't forget to comment and try this at home. I am sure you will love this and if you don't then probably your sugar levels are intact 😁  


Bread quickie

It was 2am in morning and I was starving after having early dinner...this is not a new thing for all of us correct?? Anyways I was wondering...